Thursday, February 21, 2013

Pattern & Texture

What is Tactile Texture?

"Cream Square Fur Rug like Dog Fur." PamPai. Andy K, 2 Oct. 2012. Web. 21 Feb. 2013.

Any type of texture that  you can actually feel through your sense of touch is considered tactile texture. Through memory, we group similar textures. The lady could have had the dog for a long time and from all of the times she's petted him or just felt the dogs fur, her memory has saved the way the dogs fur feels which causes her to find it similar to other textures. She then will most likely group the feel of the dogs fur to the feel of the carpet beneath her. 

Pattern, Pattern, Pattern

Vogue. "Patterns from the Past." Patterns from the Past. Zen Cart, 25 Jan. 2012. Web. 21 Feb. 2013.

When you think of a pattern, you usually think of a repetitive design with the same distinctive shape, form, figure, etc., that appears again and again all over the design you're looking at. Although that's the usual definition of a pattern, a pattern can also be a dress pattern used to create a dress. Patterns can be either simple or intricate! The patterns above are both dress patterns created by Vogue. Both definitions of a pattern are shown on the dress to the right side because of its repeated use of flower print all over the garment. 

What EXACTLY is a Collage?

Trinkaus, Gabi. "Stunning Mixed Media Collages by Gabi Trinkaus." N.p., 23 Apr. 2009. Web. 21 Feb. 2013.

Although most people respond with the answer of, "a bunch of different photos put together" when asked what exactly they think a collage is, they're wrong. A collage is actually mixed media such as a photo, a ticket stub from somewhere related to the photo, and other types of things, all combined and placed to form one big picture (such as the one above). Different uses of media such as magazine articles, different images of blue eyes, different paper cutouts to form the skin, are all mixed media used to create the image of the lady.

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