Monday, March 11, 2013


What is Kinesthetic Empathy in Rhythm?

Kpriss. "Evan Rachel Wood Is Gucci Guilty Perfume Ad Campaign Girl." StyleFrizz. STYLEFRIZZ, 12 Aug. 2010. Web. 11 Mar. 2013.

Whenever you see a design or image and one of your other senses besides sight is stimulated upon the time you see the design/image, this is known as kinesthetic empathy. Your sense of smell is stimulated when you see the image of the perfume ad and the man is smelling the woman's neck. 

What is Rhythm?

"Vintage Striped Dress." Vintage Clothing, Cute Dresses, Indie & Retro Women's Clothing., n.d. Web. 11 Mar. 2013.

Rhythm in a design is the movement created by the viewers eye. The repetition from little thin lines to great big lines creates a sense of  visual rhythm. 

What does Nonobjective mean?

Antony, Anson. "Showcase & Discover Creative Work." Behance. N.p., 13 Aug. 2012. Web. 11 Mar. 2013.

Nonobjective is the reality. It isn't an image or design that's a reference to or relationship to the natural world, it actually is the reality. The woman in all white is the nonobjective object in the image above.

Sunday, March 10, 2013


What is Asymmetrical Balance?

"Chiffon One-Shoulder Strap Sheath Prom Dress with Beading Accents Asymmetrical Bodice.", n.d. Web. 10 Mar. 2013.

The placement of objects in a specific way to allow opposing or "not alike" objects with equal visual weight or equal attraction of the eye is known as asymmetrical balance. The way these prom dresses above are created is by using asymmetrical balance. 

What is Balance?

Aleksandar. "Judy Greer at 84th Annual Academy Awards in Los Angeles."HawtCelebs: Latest Celebrity Pictures. HawtCelebs, 27 Feb. 2012. Web. 10 Mar. 2013.

What ever you put on one side of the image or design, is also present on the opposing side of your image or design. Balance is known as the visual equilibrium of a design. The image above shows vertical balance in the celebrities dress.

What is Bilateral Symmetry? 
"2012 Givenchy Resort Collection Inspired by Clothing 1950 Bag_2012 Givenchy Resort Collection  Trend Fashion Design 2012 | Fashion Style 2011 - 2012 | Fashion Designer | Men Fashion | Women Fashion | Clothing Design | Fashion Tips." Trend Fashion Design 2012 Fashion Style 2011 2012 Fashion Designer Men Fashion Women Fashion Clothing Design Fashion Tips RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Mar. 2013.

Bilateral symmetry is the repetitional of the same shapes or images across the vertical access. The image above shows bilateral symmetry in the rich floral skirt and its repetition of the floral print across the vertical access.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Scale & Proportion

What is Proportion?

"EQUALIZE THE PROPORTIONS OF DESIGN MODEL5." Sketches Fashions. Sketches Fashions, 28 Nov. 2012. Web. 07 Mar. 2013.

The actual relative size of an image, body, object, etc. being measured against other elements or whats known to be the norm for that element, is called proportion. All of the fashion sketches above contain a different proportioned body size and size of garments being worn by each one. You can compare the different sized women and outfits above to what is considered to be the norm of their garment or body proportion.

What are Pop Artists?

"Unknown Artist - Unknown Artist Audrey Hepburn Pop Art Painting." Audrey Hepburn Pop Art Painting Anysize 50% off., n.d. Web. 07 Mar. 2013.

One art movement that took start in the 1960's was called pop art. Pop artists were artists who created paintings from inspiration they found from everyday popular culture and from the techniques of commercial art. Although the artist is unknown, the image above is a pop art painting done over Audrey Hepburn.

What is Surrealism?

Baseema, Nini. "Vladimir Borowicz's Fashion Photography." Lost At E Minor: For Creative People. Lost At E Minor, 9 Sept. 2012. Web. 07 Mar. 2013.

Some images just cannot be explained in rational terms. These images and paintings are based on a paradox and are called Surrealism! One example of surrealism art in fashion is the image above taken by Vladimir Borowicz. There's simply no rational explanation as to what the image truly means or what led him to do this piece.  


What is a Focal Point?

"EFashion Trend." Dolce & Gabbana Ad Campaign Fall / Winter 2012-13: The Sicilian Charm Dolce-gabbana-ad-campaign-fall-winter-2012-13-the-sicilian-charm-3. N.p., 2 July 2012. Web. 07 Mar. 2013.

Another term used to describe emphasis would be focal point. Any element that has been emphasized to a greater degree than any other element shown in the image, is known to be the focal point. As seen in the Dolce & Gabbana advertisement above, the main focal point is the lady dancing and rising her dress on the table above everyone else. 

What is the Relation Between Value and Emphasis?

Mida, Ingrid. "Sustainability Is Sexy: Design Intelligence; Fashion." Fashion Projects. The New York Foundation of the Arts, 21 Sept. 2012. Web. 07 Mar. 2013.

When an image shows a greater value in one area or element compared to the other areas or elements in the image, this shows emphasis. The lighter value colored fashion body forms on the right side and upper right side have a lighter value which makes the eye attract more to the brighter area which is the emphasized part of the image.

How is Emphasis Shown in a Collage?

Granata, Francesca. "Indisciplined Curation." Fashion Projects. The New York Foundation of the Arts, 15 Apr. 2012. Web. 07 Mar. 2013.

When it comes to collages and their relation to emphasis, there really is no specific element in the image being emphasized more than another. Rather than looking or seeing one specific element being emphasized, we instead look at the image as a whole. In the collage above over knitting, there is no specific focal point or an image that stands out right away much greater than another one. 


What is a Monochromatic picture?

Slater, Audrey. "The New Rules for Wearing Bright Colors." Redbook. Hearst Communication, Inc., n.d. Web. 04 Mar. 2013.

Anytime only one hue is being used in an image or painting in different shades such as lighter or darker values than its original color or by being intensified, that is known as a monochromatic picture. Harmonious unity is found through the image above because of the different shades of blue throughout her outfit.  

What is a Collage and How Does it Relate to Unity?

Megan. "Hellooo Fashion Collage! (17 Photos)." TheBERRY RSS. Resignation Media, LLC., 13 Jan. 2010. Web. 04 Mar. 2013.

Collages are similar to scrapbook pages but are different in the sense that they create a visual unity and each item is admired individually, rather than as a whole recurring theme, idea, etc. In the image above, each image is viewed separately because of the fact that there is no specific recurring theme going on throughout the whole image/collage.

How does Proximity show Unity?

Harrington, Jolene R. "Wedding Parasols and Fashion Umbrellas:  A Bride Has Options." Bridal Accessories: Bridal Umbrellas, Bridal Parasols for Weddings. Hopscotch Press, Inc., n.d. Web. 07 Mar. 2013.

Proximity in images and paintings shows/has unity because when you put the elements in the image very close together or even close enough to be touching, it looks as if they both or all belong together. All of the ladies above huddling close to the bride at the center show proximity due to how close together they all are to each other. Their one big group shows unity! 

Thursday, February 28, 2013


What is the definition of a Hue?

OP Editor. "Rihanna Red Dress Vogue." Obama Pacman RSS. Obama Pacman, 4 Apr. 2011. Web. 28 Feb. 2013.

The actual name of the color is what hue refers to. The hue being shown above is Red.

What is a Spectrum?

"Joseph Altuzarra." RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Mar. 2013.

When white light is passed through a prism, the visible colors created are what is called a spectrum. The spectrum of colors created for your every day colored fashion ensembles were created thanks to help from the light spectrum. Your different shades of pink's, blue's, green's, etc.

What are the Primary Colors?

Aldridge, Jemme. "Color Theory." Vogue Italia. Vogue Italia, 29 Apr. 2010. Web. 28 Feb. 2013.

Red, blue, and yellow are what is known as the primary colors on the color wheel. These three colors can create almost any other color.


What is Value?

"Can Social Media Make Fashion'€™s Night Out Worth The Marketing Investment? | InsideFMM." InsideFMM. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Feb. 2013.

This word is used to describe light and dark in art terms. Different shades of light and dark clothing pieces are being wore.

What is a Value Pattern?

"Kate Moss & Saskia De Brauw Are Bewitching for Mert & Marcus in Vogue Paris September 2012." Fashion Gone Rogue The Latest in Editorials and Campaigns RSS. Ed. Deja. Fashion Gone Rogue: The Latest in Editorials and Campaigns, 22 Aug. 2012. Web. 28 Feb. 2013.

Anytime you look at a black and white image or painting and see all of the different variations of black in white, that's known as a value pattern. Different shades of black and white are shown in the image of Kate Moss for Vogue Paris.

What is Value Emphasis?

Joanna. "Saskia De Brauw and Cara Delevingne Are Golden for Chanel’s Cruise 2013 Campaign by Karl Lagerfeld." Fashion Gone Rogue The Latest in Editorials and Campaigns RSS. Fashion Gone Rogue: The Latest in Editorials and Campaigns, 17 Oct. 2012. Web. 28 Feb. 2013.

Anytime there is high contrast in one specific area of an image or painting and subdued contrast elsewhere in order to get the viewer to concentrate on a certain object is called value emphasis. The high contrast area is the woman and her garments, while as the subdued area is all of the gold elsewhere.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Illusion of Motion

What does Kinesthetic Empathy mean?

Bevan, Andrew. "Fashion Movement: Isaac Mizrahi Designs for Dance." Teenvogue Content. Teen Vogue, 6 Mar. 2012. Web. 28 Feb. 2013.

A mental process in which you observe something and either purposely or unknowingly complete the action(s) that you observe in your head is called kinesthetic empathy. By looking at the image above of the dancers, the viewer tends to complete and process in their head the leaps & bounds being shown.

What is a Repeated Figure?

"Felicities." Felicities. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Feb. 2013.

One way artists have created an illusion of motion is by using repeated figures. Repeated figure is when a person in a picture, like the one above, is repeated multiple times but in different positions each time giving you the idea that she's in motion.

What is Anticipated Movement?

"Fashion: @Rihanna'€™s New Fashion Line Has Received Rave Reviews | PositivePressAgency." PositivePressAgency. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Feb. 2013.

Through memory and experiences, we are able to finish or "anticipate" the movement being created in the image. Above, the anticipated movement being done by Rihanna is clapping her hands.

Illusion of Space

What is Foreshortening?

"Photography Fashion Plane." Photography Fashion Plane. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Feb. 2013.

Anytime that a part of an image or design appears to be larger or smaller than its original shape is known as foreshortening. This idea is shown in the image above by the way that the woman's arm and head come more towards you than the rest of her body or anything else does which cause them to look larger and longer than their original size, based off of the perspective of the photo.

What is Overlapping?

"Hong Kong Fashion Pioneer I.T Celebrates 10 Years In Mainland China." Jing Daily: The Business of Luxury and Culture in China. Jing Daily, 29 Oct. 2012. Web. 28 Feb. 2013.

One of the easiest ways to create an illusion of depth in a photograph or painting is by using overlapping. From the perspective this photo was taken, all of the models walking in an orderly line one after the other creates an illusion of depth because the further the line gets, the more overlapped the people seem to appear.

What is Aerial Perspective?

"Hong Kong Fashion Pioneer I.T Celebrates 10 Years In Mainland China." Jing Daily: The Business of Luxury and Culture in China. Jing Daily, 29 Oct. 2012. Web. 28 Feb. 2013.

Whenever the further objects of a painting or image appears to be less distinct or shows less contrast compared to other parts of the painting or image that appear to be closer up, this is known as aerial (or atmospheric) perspective. Everything further behind the man shown above looks blurry and lacking as much color as him and his outfit.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Pattern & Texture

What is Tactile Texture?

"Cream Square Fur Rug like Dog Fur." PamPai. Andy K, 2 Oct. 2012. Web. 21 Feb. 2013.

Any type of texture that  you can actually feel through your sense of touch is considered tactile texture. Through memory, we group similar textures. The lady could have had the dog for a long time and from all of the times she's petted him or just felt the dogs fur, her memory has saved the way the dogs fur feels which causes her to find it similar to other textures. She then will most likely group the feel of the dogs fur to the feel of the carpet beneath her. 

Pattern, Pattern, Pattern

Vogue. "Patterns from the Past." Patterns from the Past. Zen Cart, 25 Jan. 2012. Web. 21 Feb. 2013.

When you think of a pattern, you usually think of a repetitive design with the same distinctive shape, form, figure, etc., that appears again and again all over the design you're looking at. Although that's the usual definition of a pattern, a pattern can also be a dress pattern used to create a dress. Patterns can be either simple or intricate! The patterns above are both dress patterns created by Vogue. Both definitions of a pattern are shown on the dress to the right side because of its repeated use of flower print all over the garment. 

What EXACTLY is a Collage?

Trinkaus, Gabi. "Stunning Mixed Media Collages by Gabi Trinkaus." N.p., 23 Apr. 2009. Web. 21 Feb. 2013.

Although most people respond with the answer of, "a bunch of different photos put together" when asked what exactly they think a collage is, they're wrong. A collage is actually mixed media such as a photo, a ticket stub from somewhere related to the photo, and other types of things, all combined and placed to form one big picture (such as the one above). Different uses of media such as magazine articles, different images of blue eyes, different paper cutouts to form the skin, are all mixed media used to create the image of the lady.


What is a Shape?

Hyathiz. "The Cuteness Factor -€“ Adorable Critters by Fabo." Pondly RSS. N.p., 29 Jan. 2013. Web. 21 Feb. 2013.

An area that is seen and believed to be closed in by a line which created the shape. Or by using color or value changes that created the shapes outlines. The shape/creation of the parrot above was created by using color and different values in different areas to create its outer edges.

What is Distortion?

Inese. "Quick Sketch. by ~Inese on DeviantART." Quick Sketch. by ~Inese on DeviantART. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Feb. 2013.

A distortion is an exaggerated shape that has been stretched and/or altered from its natural shape. Sketches are a great example of distortions.

What is Idealism?

Jones, Emma. "The 2012 Victoria's Secret Fashion Show." Celebrity Style. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Feb. 2013.

Idealism is the change of how the world should be or really is, into the idea of a perfect man, woman, life, etc. based off of cultural views. Victoria's Secret Angel's are categorized into idealism because the world believes all women should look like this. Words such as "flawless" and "perfection" are used to describe things related to idealism because they do not contain any flaws. 


What is a Line?

Seliger, Mark. "Penelope Cruz Monica Cruz." Photography Pictures., n.d. Web. 21 Feb. 2013.

A line is something seen by its length, but can also have varying widths. A line can be created by setting a point into motion. Shown above is Penelope Cruz wearing a plaid shirt containing lines with various lengths and widths.

What is an Implied Line?

Joana. "Naomi Campbell in Alexander McQueen at Late Night With Jimmy Fallon."Fashion Gone Rogue The Latest in Editorials and Campaigns RSS. N.p., 6 Feb. 2013. Web. 21 Feb. 2013.

Implied Lines are like the "connect-the-dots" coloring pages you did as a kid. Anytime your eye catches a positioned series of points and automatically connects them, that is an implied line. Above is Naomi Campbell wearing an Alexander McQueen piece. At the bottom of the dress, where the black fabric meets the white fabric,  are multiple cutouts that the eye tends to connect to form the shapes/design. Her left hand also shows implied line by the way it connects side by side to the rest of the bottom of her dress where the pattern of cutouts are.

What are Physic Lines?

Johnson, Jessie. "Penelope Cruz for Campari Calendar 2013." N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Feb. 2013.

Physic Lines are lines or points that aren't really there, yet we create a mental connection and feel as if there is one. This happens when a figure is looking or pointing into a certain direction, which causes the viewer to look at what the figure is pointing or looking at.

What are Cross Contour Lines?

"What Is the Visual Element of Line?" What Is the Visual Element of Li. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Mar. 2013.

Lines that appear to wrap around a form or create the pattern by using lines is known as cross contour lines. The image above shows cross contour lines because the lines wrap around the form of converse shoes that are at an angle.